Friday 13 December 2013



快快考完, 让我回家, 好吗?
其他的, 真的不求了. 很累.

考试, 只不过就一张张文字.
可是, 就不喜欢比较的那种感觉.

朋友时常问, 读到哪里?
问了后说了也是不信, 问来干?
有利益有要求才对你好点, 有什么意义? :)
有些话,说与不说,都是伤害 。有些人,留与不留,都会离开.

有时候, 朋友之间, 不用说话, 就可以感受到互相支持的.
说实在, 我还在寻找着.

也很感恩, 身边有些朋友真的是真心付出的, 谢谢你们.

朋友多, 知心朋友没有几个.
你说怎样的我, 能走到哪里?

突然就想起中学时期的朋友, 真的, 我很想念你们.



而我听见  下雨的声音
想起你用唇语  说爱情
幸福也可以  很安静
我付出一直  很小心
终于听见  下雨的声音
于是我的世界  被吵醒
就怕情绪红  了眼睛
不舍的泪在  彼此的  脸上透明


Tuesday 3 December 2013


夜, 231AM.
听的不是音乐, 是自己的心情.
只属自己的夜晚, 你可以尽释.心中的一切.


有时候,  自己一人, 也真的要走下去了.

哭泣, 可以一人.

Sunday 27 October 2013


Closing my eyes, for a moment, think deeply.
What I really need? 

Life is always like that.
Sometimes, you have to take it easy for some barriers or obstacles.
Third study week is coming, and I, just too tired for all the things.

Society stuffs, almost settle. Planning is always tired, really.
To be a good leader, is not a easy job at all.
We have to share, not teach.
We have to lead, not force.
We have to serve, not ask.
We have to be positive, not give up.

Servant leadership, I'll work hard to fulfill.

How to make yourself relax and comfort? For me, music and sleep, rest.

This semester is a short one, 7 weeks, 3 passed.
I'm just worrying what will be the result for this semester. 
I can't only focus on my studies, responsibility is there.
Yet, is true, We should't just waste our three years just focusing on study.
So, once entered, try my best in all the fields.

If you keep saying that I'm that kind of selfish, I'll just keep silent. Because, I know, what am I doing all the moments now. I'm not that kind which you're thinking, but if you insist by holding your stand, I'll accept. 
I need, understanding. But, disappeared. 
Understanding and trust, really playing an important here.
Perhaps, this is God's plan for us, to get to know more about ourselves and keep improving.
I know, there will be another plan which is prepared for us :)

On bed. 

Saturday 14 September 2013

My dream.

Here is the second part from my Twitter. Wahaha :)

Father, thank you for giving me a chance, to study here, to be here, to work hard and shine your good name. Amen.

Ya, HongLeongBank Master Scholarship 2013, Why is 2013????
Why not 2015?
I can't do anything for this. Sad case.
So, during my year, I hope that this chance still be provided.
I cannot guarantee that I'm able to obtain a first class degree and/or Cgpa 3.7 and above.
Indeed, I will try my best and do my Best!
I know, sometimes, It's just so difficult to tell yourself, try your best, you can do it.

You know? It's just too hard to do this.
People will feel demotivated, will feel lazy, sadness will come some of the times.
If during that time, if I do receive the MREPC scholarship, I think I will regret now.
Thank God for making this decision for me.You are awesome.
I feel blessed.
Michael, Work Hard. Maintain your CGPA, if not, makan rumput!

Really, I really hope that, after my undergraduate studies over here, I'd able to enroll into any one of UK universities there. I know, some of you might think that Michael is dreaming, it's impossible.

My family background is not so good, if saying, really cannot afford me go for UK for master degree. But, I really wish I could be there. I'm not saying about the title,the name, is about the experience there.
And, If you do know me, you know the another reason is that, I came from there, Yes.
Going back homeland is just a wonderful thing.
But, you know, my English level is just too bad, always not able to get an A in my tests. T.T
LSE, my dream school. HEHE.

For those, my friends,  who are able to study abroad, really, you are blessed right now.
But then, I know, all my friends, are studying very very hard over there, So , I must follow them!!! HAHA

Ya, for the family side, don't ever blame your family,saying that they can't afford your to study abroad , the study fees, can't afford to buy you Birkenstock, Timberland, Boy London. You know? They are giving you their best! Giving you what they can.

My family really, giving their best to me. My grandmum, my mum, all aunties, they do help me alot, from my primary school, I think is kindergarden, all fees, supported by them. If you ask what I'm owing them? I will say, is my life.
I wish to go back there, to chase back, during my childhood, when I was a baby, how's that?
I love my childhood, even now. Nothing can stop me from loving my family.
One day, no matter how, I will reciprocate all of you, with my life, my soul, all in all, and my Lord.

Everyone will have different starting point, yet, I believe, One day, we will meet at the same finishing point with hard work, believe, trust and faith complied.

I really craving for that, hope that I would have the chance, to chase my dream, my goal. :)

Okay la, off, continue your damn boring MBM slides, textbooks and notes.
Remember, if you need a rest, just go for that .
After that , do remember come beck with what you should do.
Talk is easy, but quite difficult to work on it. AHAHA
Talk is cheap, you know why? Because supply more than demand, so price will drop.
Awesome theory.
Now the time is 0204 15September2013.
I just can say, this is a special month, September :)
Michael, don't be jealous to others, you know?
You are having the best which given by Lord.

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Okay, see you in London. :)
Night world.

Wednesday 4 September 2013



心里的感受, 有谁能懂呢..
我是我, 我觉得自己这样做是对, 就这样做而已.

可是, 再许下什么承若其实也没有用了..
其实大家都没错, 只是有些东西不在了.
如果我说我努力过了, 也不会相信.
种种的东西, 慢慢的大家讲出来.
其实, 真的很好, 大家成长了.

回忆都是美好的 :)
让自己陶醉在另一个世界, 暂时·忘了这复杂的世界, 做回自己吧.

Lily Collins 啊!!! 

真的, 让自己的心情好起来.
我真的不懂如何去表达, 现在的我, 是谁?

时间是不会亏待我们的, 人生更加是不会 !
考试尽力吧, 心里上很累了!!!
我不想理, 就真的可以不理了...真的.

也许, 固执就是这个意思.
世人, 晚安.

Saturday 31 August 2013

September 1st post

1st September,
It is seriously too fast.
Too many things to cope with, to face.
With faith, We went through it ! 

One thing is, hope that, you will stay healthy, energetic and take care of yourself. :)

RCM Orientation Oct'13

Bottom Left one, is Michael.
Seriously, I miss you guys.
and Hs Wong's drawing is pretty awesome.
A form4 student, Best of luck for your future in art field.

One thing! 
I love Lily Collins so much! She is pretty Awesome! and pretty ! Haha
Waiting for your next movie in 2014.

Lily Collins

Final exam is coming, 
1st paper, 11th September.
May God bless us, do well , do the best we can :)
Everyday, I tell myself, don't think others, focus.
But, sleep and day-dreaming instead.
Don't always go and sleep Michael, it's time to wake up!!!!!

Fight for what we wish to obtain.
For me, a simple wish, a scholarship.
To UK/ US, let me have the chance to meet


Monday 5 August 2013


槟城,我来也! 哈哈

一直很想去跑跑的一个地方, 之前一直去都不能到那里四处走走,这次我行了! 哈哈

     ATM> Ferry> 往love lane走去.到那里已经11点多了.

Chon wee, Raymond , WinLiang and Me.

还有就是, 感恩啊..这民宿是真的超赞的! 价钱不错, 如果只是一个背包客来,一晚只是马币33, 包括早晨哦..那里的chilax corner and reading corner, 挺不错..环境很干净,很舒适. 
那里的员工太..好了, 点名,就是阿芳.

那个晚上,就是很舒服的到外面走走, 那个的治安挺好的.
隔天早上,  kekloksi, laksa, cendol...跑不了..
晚上...gurney hawker stalk 那里..之后就走去搭巴士回家..



                壁画! 我的主要目的! 哈哈

下次, 我一个人要做独行背包客了!

很多时候人们都说, 怎样穷都好, 都得去旅行.
可是, 钱啊~~~哈哈.
带家人去吧, 我有能力时候, 我一定会的.


Wednesday 3 July 2013

A New Chapter of my life, I think, I could.

I'm Michael.
Now is 04/07/2013@0713

Now is already Week6 for my Year2 Sem1 in UTAR.
For me, I changed a lot. :)

Few things changed,
I joined guitar class this sem.
Last sem, I used up my semester break for RCM.
This semester, I will join as one of the committee for RCM.
Honestly, I really worry about my academic side, due to this event.
I wish I could manage my time very well. Instead, I sleep a lot.

I wish I could obtain a better result in this semester.
I really, I wish to get into any top university in the world after my degree studies.
I pray that I would have this kind of chance, to getting abroad, for my master studies.
For my Info, quite a number of my seniors, also can get the chance enroll into top Uni after graduated from UTAR. I wish I could follow their pretty path. Lord, LEAD me!!!! ahahaha
I'm worrying about, my result will be not enough to be enrolled.
That's my dream, always.

I will work hard for my little dream.
I believe that, there's always a path prepared for me by Him. But, I still worry.
Because, it means a lot to me.
Opportunity is limited, I know, so, if, I can, I will definitely grab it.

Music really be my part of life. :)
So, work harder :)
Morning World. :)

** Sleep earlier, avoid pimples, Yuki Sim.
Really, don't be so sad for that thing, it will be fine after some times, trust me :)

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Pray for Malaysia "Malaysia GE'2013"

05052013, That's a big day for All Malaysian.
The most suitable definition for MALAYSIAN.. 

For the GE'2013, I'm still 20. 
I can't vote for our country, our future, our better nation. But, You can!
I'm not sure whether my post here, who will read through it. 
I just simply spread out my little feelings for my nation, my land.
20 years, I'm staying in this peaceful land. But, it's full of dirty and illegal tactics.
I love my nation, love my country. Love our Negaraku.
When I was young, I always demanding that I'll do something for Malaysia.
Now, I'm still heading for it.
I hope that, in the future, with my power and knowledge given by God.
One day, i'll contribute myself for Malaysia's economy. 
I believe that our country, deserve a better economic situation.
You know, full of natural resources, full of talented human capital. Actually, we deserve Better!
Some unreasonable implementations by G, it puts us in this kind of situation now.

For the GE'2013, all the Rakyat wish to Change. Yes, It's Ubah!
I'm not support either party for this. I support our citizens's thinking and actions.
We would like to change, for a better future!

Blackout, extra voting, illegal foreign voters, unfair organisation.
Do you know, what's the reason given by that particular org?
Yup, is celebrating Earth hour. "60"

So, see, what We are!

We are asking for a clean and fair election.

I love our country.

We are Malaysians. We deserve a better situation, instead of what we're having now.
So, Pray for our nation. 
We need, a better ground of Malaysia.